Art of Living
While we regularly spring clean our houses, we forget that, once in a while, our body needs cleansing too.
Tthe fact is, over-indulgence in junk food such as aerated drinks, alcohol, refined sugar and caffeine, the presence of environmental toxins, and the constant process of coping with stress, bombards our body with unfamiliar toxins. Just as a car carburettor gets choked with impurities, our body too needs periodic cleansing of the toxins that clog it. The removal of these toxins from our body, which generally undermine our wellness, is known as detoxification.

zinde kalmak

zinde kalmak

Key Words: vitality, vigor, zindekal, detox, detoxification, ayurveda, ayurvedic, herbs, breathing, mental health, herbal, fitness, art of living, zinde kal, zinde kalmak, zindelik

Release the vitality in your life by changing your priorities a bit