Art of Living

Vitality shows not only in the ability to persist, but in the ability to start over.   ( F.Scott Fitzgerald ) 

Vitality means endurance and the ability to live long , and  is the state of being when you are full of life and energy.

Physical vitality is having energy to do things, and being able to do things with vigor. Physical vitality means that your body parts are effectively supplied with nutrients and oxygen, and you have developed the strength and endurance to allow you to perform physical tasks easily. It comes from having a strong cardiovascular system and conditioned muscles.

Mental vitality is having a mental energy to think clearly. It means that you are in a sufficient mental powers and thinking stamina to handle problems. It is a state of mental alertness and effectiveness.

Emotional vitality is such that you are happy, at peace, enthusiastic and joyful. You are then able to deal with various problems and stress that may hamper an average person. You can strengthen your emotions to cope with problems. You can increase your emotional endurance and stamina to be able to maintain a positive outlook over a long period.

Vitality  is  the capacity for survival or for the continuation of a meaningful or purposeful existence. Having vitality means you are energetic, lively or forceful and is essential to well-being.



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Key Words: vitality, vigor, zindekal, detox, detoxification, ayurveda, ayurvedic, herbs, breathing, mental health, herbal, fitness, art of living, zinde kal, zinde kalmak, zindelik

Release the vitality in your life by changing your priorities a bit